Explore Centers & Institutes

Centers and institutes serve as hubs of collaboration in areas as diverse as microbiology and papermaking. As innovative and interdisciplinary forums for trailblazing ideas, they allow scholars from across the university to tackle problems and make lasting contributions to the world’s body of knowledge.


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42 Centers & Institutes

  • As part of the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, the Ralph W. Voorhees Center for Civic Engagement is a collaboration of university faculty, students, and community development actors that seek to enhance educational opportunities, facilitate innovative research, and build community development capacity. Faculty and students work in collaboration with local actors to conduct innovative original research, publish in peer review journals, and present research locally and at academic conferences.

  • The mission of the Grant F. Walton Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis is to advance the development and application of geospatial information science and technology (remote sensing, geographic information systems, global positioning systems, computer simulation modeling) to address issues in the built and natural environment both locally and globally. As a multi-disciplinary research center our objective is to bring the best information to bear in place-based decision-making with the broader goal of promoting sound land, coastal and marine planning, natural resource and agricultural management.

  • The vision of the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB Protein Data Bank) is to enable open access to the accumulating knowledge of 3D structure, function, and evolution of biological macromolecules, expanding the frontiers of fundamental biology, biomedicine, and biotechnology. Recognized experts in fields, including but not limited to, structural biology, cell and molecular biology, computational biology, information technology, and education serve as advisors to the RCSB PDB.

  • Founded in 2007 at the School of Social Work, the mission of the Center for Research on Ending Violence is to eliminate all forms of violence and the power imbalances that permit them. We accomplish our mission through a collaborative approach that focuses on multidisciplinary research, education, and community engagement.

  • The Whitcomb Center for Research in Financial Services, originally named the New Jersey Center for Research in Financial Services, has been active in funding research, acquiring up-to-date financial databases, and underwriting faculty and doctoral student participation in prominent academic conferences. Through its activities, the Whitcomb Center aims to promote and facilitate research in financial services, foster interaction between the academic and business/finance communities, and bring national recognition to the research being done at Rutgers Business School–Newark and New Brunswick.

  • The New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Research Greenhouse is a center for basic and applied research in the agricultural and natural resource sciences. It supports a diverse group of faculty from Rutgers as well as visiting researchers from universities around the world. The Research Greenhouse contains more than 27,000 square feet of usable greenhouse space and 14 environmental chambers for controlled environment studies.

  • As part of Rutgers Business School–Newark and New Brunswick, the Center for Research in Regulated Industries aims to further the study of regulation by researchers in economics and finance, in academic and non-academic institutions. The objective of the center is to promote research, scholarship, and education in regulatory economics that have implications for public policy. Research and scholarship is promoted through conferences, seminars, workshops, courses, publications and research projects. The center has been funded by registration fees, publication fees, sponsorship, and research grants.

  • The Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning Collection of 300+ videos consists of observational videos of students learning mathematical concepts. The videos were captured through a series of research projects studying the same student sample, from first grade through high school, 1992 to the present. The collection consists of video clips edited to highlight evidence of student reasoning and effective teaching practices as well as raw footage suitable for education and child development research. The video mosaic collaborative is an interactive collaboration portal designed to enable researchers, teacher educators, and teachers to analyze and utilize real classroom videos shot over a span of 20+ years to make new discoveries in math education and transform mathematics research, teaching, and learning.

  • Established in 1999, the Center for Emerging Pathogens within New Jersey Medical School supports and fosters collaborative and translational research in infectious diseases that are increasing in frequency and/or becoming resistant to current therapies. Laboratory research at the center is currently supported by $6.7 million in extramural support, over 90 percent of which is NIH funded. The nationally recognized faculty of the center are experts in their fields of research and their collaborative approach continues to generate new discoveries and novel ideas.

  • RUCDR Infinite Biologics, which is part of Rutgers’ Human Genetics Institute of New Jersey, is the world’s largest university-based cell and DNA repository. Its mission is to understand the genetic causes of common, complex diseases and to discover diagnoses, treatments and cures for them. The organization collaborates with researchers in the public and private sectors throughout the world, providing the highest quality bio-banking services and biomaterials, as well as scientific and technical support.

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