Explore Centers & Institutes
Centers and institutes serve as hubs of collaboration in areas as diverse as microbiology and papermaking. As innovative and interdisciplinary forums for trailblazing ideas, they allow scholars from across the university to tackle problems and make lasting contributions to the world’s body of knowledge.
7 Centers & Institutes
The W. M. Keck Center for Collaborative Neuroscience is dedicated to multidisciplinary collaborative research and to accelerating the translation of scientific discoveries into effective human therapies. As part of the School of Arts and Sciences, the focus of the center’s work is spinal cord injury with findings also applicable to persons with brain injuries, stroke, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, amyotropic lateral sclerosis (ALS), transverse myelitis, and other problems of the central nervous system. The center operates on the belief that a cure is achievable and that collaboration is the means by which that goal will be reached.
The Waksman Institute of Microbiology is an interdisciplinary research institute devoted to excellence in research.Institute focuses on fundamental questions in microbial, animal, and plant research, it continues to engage in extensive technology transfer to push the frontiers of scientific discovery. Topics include morphogenesis, sustainable energy, cancer, fertility, congenital disabilities, neurologic disorders, nutrition and drug-resistance of infectious diseases.
The New Jersey Water Resources Research Institute (NJWRRI) is a federally-funded program of research, training, and information transfer concerning all aspects of fresh and estuarine water in the state. Its mission is to sponsor research on all aspects of water quality, water quantity, water use, and the management of water resources; train students at the undergraduate, graduate, and post graduate levels to become the next generation of water resources professionals for New Jersey, and facilitate the transfer of information from researchers to the public and to water resource managers.
WINLAB (Wireless Information Network Laboratory), an industry-university cooperative research center focused on wireless technology, was founded at Rutgers in 1989. Its research mission is to advance the development of wireless networking technology by combining the resources of government, industry and academia. The center's educational mission is to train the next generation of wireless technologists via graduate research programs that are especially relevant to industry.
The center aims to advance the contributions of women in the arts and humanities by facilitating research, hosting visiting scholars and artists, mounting exhibitions, and engaging in university-community partnerships with artists, performers, scholars and cultural-makers. The center is a consortium member of the Institute for Women’s Leadership.
The Center for Women's Global Leadership (CWGL) was founded by feminist activist Charlotte Bunch as a project of Douglass College in 1989. CWGL is affiliated with the School of Arts and Sciences. It is also part of the Office of International Programs and a member of the Institute for Women's Leadership that connects sister institutes and centers that are committed to the progress of women at the university.
The World Languages Institute within the School of Arts and Sciences provides K-12 language teachers with a graduate-level core program in pedagogy reflecting the New Jersey Student Learning Standard for World Languages and the National Standards for Second Language Teaching.