Oyster Creek Research

Beyond the Classroom

Some lessons can’t be learned within four walls.

Gain the Edge

Getting hands-on experience in your chosen field before graduation is a genuine advantage, providing invaluable insider knowledge and the opportunity to connect with future peers and professional contacts.

Real-World Learning

Enhance your campus classes and research with the real-world experience offered through internships, externships, cooperative education, service learning, and more. Rutgers' proximity to New York and Philadelphia gives you access to rich experiences that will help you stand out in today's job market and rise above the competition.

of students graduate with real-world experience
post-graduation career outcome rate

Class of 2023

students completed job interviews with employers on campus
of students engaged with Career Exploration and Success

Take Advantage

Opportunities for off-campus learning abound in the arts, communication, and journalism; health and public policy; business and management; and engineering and the environment. Gain relevant work experience that will prepare you for the world of work.


Overachieve Overseas

Immerse yourself in a new language and culture, gain some worldly wisdom or simply fulfill degree requirements in a thrilling new environment when you take your education to a different country.

Study Abroad Scholarship

New friendships, deeper understanding, and unexpected confidence await undergrads studying abroad.

student abroad in Japan

Rutgers Study Abroad Scholarship Video: Tsuru University