Rutgers Day: Information for Sponsors and Food Vendors
Sponsorship Packages
We have five levels of sponsor participation in Rutgers Day 2025. Each level provides a variety of benefits to the sponsor on Rutgers Day. Please contact Patricia Kastner at 848-445-1921 for more information.
Sponsorship Benefits |
Rutgers Excellence $20,000 |
Rutgers Champion $15,000 |
Rutgers Knight $10,000 |
Rutgers Scholar $7,500 |
Rutgers Friend $3,000 |
Maximum brand exposure with large name/logo imprinted on Rutgers Day t-shirts, worn by Rutgers Day program providers on all 3 campuses (approx. 4,000 t-shirts) |
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Brand exposure through programming zone naming rights (i.e., Health Village). Company name/logo on banner/sign. |
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Brand exposure through area naming rights (info booths, performance stage, or activity zones such as R-Garden). Company name/logo on individual banner/sign. |
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Company name/logo on the Rutgers Day website. |
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Company name/logo displayed in select Rutgers Day social media posts. |
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Company logo displayed on smaller sponsor signage at performance stages. |
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Company logo displayed on smaller sponsor signs at info booths. |
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Call out and thank you on Rutgers Day social media platforms (Facebook and Twitter) |
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In-person attendee brand connection with a 20x20 space (with optional 20x20 tent, 2 tables, 4 chairs, and a sign) for your company’s exhibit in a high traffic, high visibility area |
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In-person attendee brand connection with a 10x10 space (with optional 10x10 tent, 1 tables, 2 chairs, and a sign) for your company’s exhibit in a high traffic, high visibility area |
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In-person attendee brand connection with an information table, 2 chairs, and sign |
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Sponsorship Guidelines
Sponsorship definition: “Sponsorship” means the provision of money or a gift-in-kind of goods, materials, and/or services by a non-university entity to a University unit in support of one or more activities, events, or programs.
Corporate sponsor: Sponsorship helps to defray the cost of Rutgers Day. The university screens all sponsors and monitors concerns about commercialization of Rutgers Day.
Sponsors for Rutgers Day will be reviewed under the following guidelines:
- University policy prohibits sponsors that may harm the university's reputation, violate university policies, imply discrimination, can be considered obscene, indecent, or profane, or that include weapons, explosives, cannabis, the use of alcohol, illegal goods or services, or that promotes services or advocates positions that the university deems inconsistent with the mission of the university.
- Sponsor name +/or logo can be shown in/on Rutgers websites, publications, communications, or university assets – labeled as a sponsor and include a link to an “About” or program page – not to a sales page.
- Rutgers Day management reserves the right to decline sponsorships that are in conflict with the event’s mission.
- Rutgers Day management reserves the right to decline competing sponsors.
In-kind support: Sponsors who provide in-kind support will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine whether fair market value can be assessed, and a mutually beneficial partnership can be achieved.
Sponsors must adhere to the following:
- No selling of products at Rutgers Day.
- All exhibits including information tables must be linked to the Rutgers Day mission of learning and education.
Exceptions: Sponsors and programs existing prior to 2009 (i.e. Ag Field Day, NJ Folk Festival) may qualify as an exception with approval of R-Comm Strategic Events and Programs.
Food Vendor Application
The Rutgers Day food vendor application period is closed. Please review the guidelines below for food vendors.
Event locations are on the Busch Campus in Piscataway and the College Avenue and Cook/Douglass campuses in New Brunswick.
Food Vendor Guidelines
- All vendors must have completed the Rutgers Day Food Vendor Application.
- Rutgers does not provide electricity.
- Rutgers does not provide tables, chairs, booths, tarps or any other furnishing or equipment.
- Alcoholic beverages are not permitted.
- Glass containers are not permitted.
- If vendor chooses to sell brand-name beverages, including bottled water, vendor must sell only Coca-Cola products.
- Vendor is permitted to sell generic lemonade or punch made from bulk mixes.
- Rutgers does not guarantee exclusivity of items sold.
- Rutgers will dispose of customary and reasonable amounts of garbage and recycling in heavy clear plastic bags, which vendor must provide.
- Vendor vehicles may not exceed 10,000 pounds, gross vehicle weight.
- Personal vehicles are not permitted as part of set up.
- All vendors must arrive on site no later than 8 a.m.
- Vendors will be allowed a 15-foot by 15-foot space for their sales area.
- Vendors will be inspected by the Department of Health, Rutgers Fire Inspection Bureau, Rutgers Environmental Health & Safety, and the University Sanitarian.
- Actual length of sale time is 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
- Food booths must stay open and operational until 4 p.m.
- No substitution of vendor will be allowed.
- Advertising for Rutgers Day is the sole responsibility of Rutgers.
- Use of loudspeakers or any type of public announcement system is strictly prohibited.
- Any cancellation less than 30 days prior to the event will result in forfeiture of vendor fee.
- Rutgers Day is a rain or shine event. In the case of severe inclement weather, vendor will be notified of possible change of location. Vendor fee will not be refunded.
Questions? Contact Patricia Kastner at 848-445-1921 or rutgersday@rutgers.edu.