SEBS Virtual Science Cafe: High Seas Biodiversity: A Sustainable Future Through Science and Policy at the United Nations

Join the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences for their next Virtual Science Cafe, High Seas Biodiversity: A Sustainable Future Through Science and Policy at the United Nations, with Cymie Payne, associate professor, Department of Human Ecology.
New technologies for observing the ocean reveal biodiversity and complex Earth systems that were unsuspected fifty years ago, and technology also extends fishing, mining, and possibly carbon sequestration far from shore into the shared region that we call the high seas. Small island developing states and large industrialized countries alike recognize that ocean health depends on international cooperation and science-based management. As nations negotiate a new treaty for conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in the high seas, we propose treaty institutions and processes to bring science to bear on policy to protect this important region of the world’s oceans.