• Events
  • Rutgers Food Science IFT Virtual Student and Alumni Celebration 2021

Rutgers Food Science IFT Virtual Student and Alumni Celebration 2021

Date & Time

Monday, July 19, 2021, 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.


Lectures & Speakers


Virtual Event


Presented by the Rutgers Food Science Alumni Committee and Department of Food Science


On Monday, July 19, 2021, the Rutgers Department of Food Science and the Food Science Alumni Committee will hold their annual celebration in conjunction with the IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo. The event will run from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm Eastern time.

Keynote speaker, Lou Cooperhouse RC’83 (Microbiology), GSNB’87 (Food Science), CEO and Co-founder of cell-based seafood company BlueNalu and former Director of the Rutgers Food Innovation Center (FIC), presents, “BlueNalu: A Pioneering Company in the Global Transformation of our Food Supply.” He will discuss his innovative career path in the food industry. Lou's presentation will cover alternative proteins, such as plant, fermentation, and cell-cultured foods. Please join us to hear Lou’s story and learn about this emerging trend in the food industry!  

Additionally, the event will include updates from department chair, Karl Matthews, a word from current students, alumni and student awards presentations, remarks from the Food Science Alumni Committee, and breakout room sessions to socialize and network with fellow alumni.

Register via the event link. This event is free to attend.